UPDATE: PMD is now officially linked to the fight against the virus. If you would like to buy our products which contain PMD, click here.
Anyone who has been actively watching the news and keeping up to date with the worldwide fight against the COVID-19 pandemic will have likely seen stories linking one chemical - PMD - to the destruction of the coronavirus.
It comes as news broke about the Ministry of Defence’s tests in this area, as they have begun research to see whether PMD, which is the active ingredient in mosquito repellent, will actually destroy this strain of virus. It is already known that PMD kills many viruses on the skin - including the ordinary coronavirus, HIV, Hepatitis, West Nile and more. This was discovered during the SARS outbreak and has been researched by scientists ever since - with their attention now turning towards the COVID-19 pandemic.
A PMD (p-menthane 3,8-diol) product is already being used by the military as an insect repellent, and if the research is positive, products will be made available to key workers in the front line battling COVID-19. This PMD will then be able to be applied to the skin, as well as added to other surfaces like the outside of a mask, to kill the virus.
Here at THEYE, we know all about PMD, as it’s the active ingredient in the Citrepel & Citriodiol that we use across our product range at THEYE. We use PMD in our insect repellent range which the MOD is testing on its effectiveness at killing COVID-19
Citrepel & Citriodiol are both trade names for natural chemicals which are PMD rich oils. Key to the effectiveness of this chemical is the concentration of its primary active compound, p-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD). PMD is the key to the performance of these products and is a naturally occurring insect repellent molecule which exists in nature. PMD is the chemical compound that the MOD are currently carrying out tests on to find out just how effective it is against COVID-19.
Here at Theye we manufacture all our direct application mosquito / insect repellents using Citrepel 75®, which is the strongest version of this PMD based chemical that you can get, Citrepel 75® contains 75% PMD.
This grade of Citrepel (Citrepel75®) is the most refined, and therefore the strongest available on the market. This is why THEYE choose to use Citrepel 75® in their range of repellent products.
We will continue to pay very close attention to the news and the results of the tests conducted by the MOD in relation to Coronavirus, and will keep providing updates as we hear more.